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For GOD so loved the World, He gave us JESUS!!!

FREE songs!!!

Ground rules for my original music: (#1) I am giving anyone who wants to perform my original songs permission to do so, here in writing. Have fun and enjoy the songs, if you want to. Don't take GOD out of my songs! No one has permission to secularize my songs, they are my intellectual property. {I made official copyrights © and have the legal documentation to prove it.} (#2) My songs can only be non-profit. Meaning $-money-$ earned from my songs must be donated. (exp. church or mission work; see links below) No personal financial gain/profit from the songs I've written! Give it to GOD!
JESUS Christ is the answer!!! (John 3:16)
I am still learning, but I am working on recording some of my original songs. Praise GOD for answering this prayer! I am loading all of the songs on the demo album for now. (Protect the Womb) They are all FREE!!! [I encourage you to donate money to your local church and/or Christian mission organization{s} instead!] The songs that I have written are posted as by Christian j Raines. (author pen name; little j)
Original Lyrics, but not Original Music, "Sweet Home Virginia"
A friend and former coworker wrote a poem for her daughter. Her daughter was getting married and she wrote the poem as a gift to her daughter. She, Dawn, asked me if I'd turn her poem into a song. The song above, "Meant To Be", is Dawn's poem I turned into a song. I pray the newlyweds see GOD in their marriage and maybe even find some joy in this song their mother and I made. GOD is good!
My friend Daniel Barnhart (middle in pic) is working on his Master's Degree in Theology. I asked Daniel to write a poem to accompany my songs because he is also a writer. He is very talented. This is the poem he wrote. Also FREE to download! Because of making his studies a top priority, which is smart, Daniel isn't currently working seriously on any writing projects. He is still young, so keep a look out for publications from him in the future! (Maybe a collaboration between him and I?) Psalm 150
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